Austen Group Ltd T/A Alton Ladders
Austen Group Ltd T/A Alton Ladders
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New Product-12 Way Multi Purpose Ladder

5th March 2014

Alton Ladders is pleased to introduce the12 way Multi Purpose Combination Ladder and platform. This is a super-versatile, multifunctional model, with 12 positions in one portable package. Features include a removable, slip-resistant aluminium work platform and a simple click-lock hinge system. The maximum extended length of 3.38m as an extended ladder, and a top platform height of 0.96m. The ladder is also easily foldable for convenient transportation and storage. For full details click on Multipurpose Ladders>Aluminium in the Product Catergories on the left of this page.

© Austen Group Ltd T/A Alton Ladders. All Rights Reserved

Registered company number: 13894109

Registered address: 5A-E Babdown Airfield, Tetbury, Gloucestershire, GL8 8YL, United Kingdom

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